
Speed Talks are 10 minutes in duration and allow participants to highlight their stories, projects and experiences on a particular Congress theme. A speed talk provides the audience with a rapid overview, allowing an informal discussion among presenters and the audience.

Speed talks are grouped into 60-minute sessions that will feature approximately 4 presentations, followed by a 20-minute ‘Question and Answer’ period.

Biodiversity Conservation – Diverse Strategies
Blue Carbon Ecosystems
Co-Management of MPAs within the Community 1
Co-Management of MPAs within the Community 2
Co-Management of MPAs within the Community 3
Coming Together to Conserve MPAs
Communication on MPA management
Community Engagement in Marine Spatial Planning 
Community-based governance and conservation of coral reefs
Community-based management of coral reefs and conservation areas
Connecting Communities to Conservation
Conservation of MPAs
Conservation of Biodiversity 1
Conservation of Biodiversity 2
Conservation of Biodiversity 3
Economic Uses of Ocean and Coastal Resources
Effective MPAs: Collaboration and Co-Governance
Impact of Climate Change on MPAs
Marine Spatial Planning
MPA Connectivity and Climate Change
The Role of MPAs in Climate Change Mitigation & Conservation Efforts
Unique Methods of MPA Management
Working Together to Conserve
Working Together to Conserve MPAs
Working Together to Protect MPAs

