
Ocean Technology and Innovation Session at IMPAC5

IMPAC5 is excited to present the Ocean Technology and Innovation Session!

A first of its kind in the IMPAC Congress series, the Ocean Technology and Innovation Session will highlight the essential roles that entrepreneurship, innovation and investment play in marine conservation and protection.

What’s happening at the Ocean Technology and Innovation Session?

1. MPA Pitch Challenge: Apply Today!

The MPA Pitch Challenge will feature ten startups that will pitch their MPA solution in person to the world’s largest gathering of MPA professionals at IMPAC5.

The MPA Pitch Challenge is open to innovators anywhere in the world.

Submissions are due on Friday 16 December 2022 at 11:59 Pacific Time

Find out more and apply today!

2. Panel Presentations with Technology Companies and MPA Managers

The Ocean Technology and Innovation Session will host a series of moderated panel presentations, organized around the following themes:

Panel 1 – Robotics to support MPA monitoring and management
Panel 2 – Domain awareness for ocean conservation – Sensors, eDNA, AI, and others
Panel 3 – Remote sensing for MPA enforcement and compliance
Panel 4 – Measuring and conserving MPAs with data and AI
Panel 5 – Innovation for conservation

3. Technology and innovation at the Ocean Expo

The IMPAC5 Ocean Expo will feature interactive and informative displays from startups and established companies in the marine conservation technology field.

4. Speed meetings between MPA practitioners with tech representatives

Congress goers can use the IMPAC5 Congress App to arrange speed meetings between conservationists, innovators and entrepreneurs who are working to achieve the same goals.

Find out more about the Ocean Technology and Innovation Session

